Club Kicks
Clubs are limited to 750 players. This means if you are inactive you may be kicked from the club to make room for new players. Not to worry though, if you were only kicked for inactivity you can easily join back (we will just kick some other inactive player to make room for you). Simply message one of the leaders or officers in game or on discord and we will get you right back in.
No asking for free stuff, no begging, no spammingDo not ask for handouts or anything for free. Do not repeatedly spam things in chat. Wait several minutes in between posting LFMs for delves or other farms, and wait 1-2 hours for advertising club quests. Asking to buy or sell stuff is fine, so long as it isn't excessive or repetative. Use the discord Trade channel to post your stuff if at all possible.
No drama, bullying, fighting, harassment, or griefingIf you see something inappropriate, please document it and forward it to a staff member. Anyone engaging in such behavior runs the risk of being kicked from the club/discord.
Keep the chat cleanTrove players include younger age groups, so try to keep the chat PG when possible. Do not swear excessively, and do not post NSFW content. Also keep the chat in English, since other languages cannot be moderated.
Do not ask for personal informationThis includes name, age (unless clarifying if over 18), sex, address, phone number, etc. Also do not attempt to trade for things with real world currency. This is not only against club rules, but also Trove’s terms of service.
No cheating, botting, hacking, exploiting, or scammingAny attempt at this will get you kicked from the club and possibly reported and banned by the game developers. This is your only warning.
Just because something isn't specifically against the rules does not mean it is okay. If a staff member warns you about something, subsequent infractions may result in you getting kicked. If you are unsure if something is ok, please check with staff first for approval.
Here in Laezaria, we value character and integrity in our club members. If you violate the club rules or have a history of conduct that does not align with our club policies you may be kicked/banned at any time.